Wanna die in America?
This project focuses heavily on awareness regarding the healthcare crisis in America. I aim to ignite concern, and show you how those who do not have health insurance have suffered.
Project Length
8 weeks
The Problem
Who's telling their story?
After thourough research I found that 25.3 million people in the U.S. alone live without health insurance. 30,000 - 90,000 deaths per year occur due to lack of health insurance. I go on social media and rarely see anything being spoken about our healthcare crisis, and how people have fallen victim to it. I want to raise awareness by design.
Showing the data
I focused on integrating a map to display local death statistics, aiming to evoke an emotional response from users so that they can see how many are affected by the health care crisis. Placing the map and the game afterwards seemed logical, enhancing the overall user experience.
Inspiration Boards
The Inspiration
When looking for inspiration I tried to see what were some things that would fit NJ. I decided to go through a more floral and nature themeed board, and a daker, more geometric based board.
Spotlighting reality
The reality for those without insurance is grim, so I aimed for a dark design to complement the serious content, enhancing visibility and engagement with vibrant colors representing various health conditions. The intention was to make it serious, dark, and modern.
False hues
Companies pretend to care. They mostly care about your business. I want to emhpasize on that by bringing out the light and fun aesthetics, with a darker message, illustrating the struggles of the unisured. The intention was to make it colorful, light, and warm.
Finding the best solution
Throughout my extensive iteration process, I thought about how both the asymmetric/geometric concept and the nature concept could be merged.
Iteration 1
During my research I made sure to follow each medical diseases main color, for example, for diabetes it's blue. I had to constantly make sure all the colors were accessible.
Iteration 2
I was still experimenting a lot with the placement of buttons and how the information selection for each disease would work. I also started messing around with the idea of darkmode.
Iteration 3
I stuck with the dark theme since it highlighted the information better than the light mode did. I was also more confident with the color scheme.
Style Guide
3 diseases, 3 colors
After several iterations I decided to stick with dark mode due to the way the colors stood out against the screen, further emphasizing the data the user selects.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
R0 G16 B46
R105 G159 B242
R245 G133 B52
R186 G154 B255
R255 G255 B255
The Result
Highlighting reality
After a lot of iterating I had come to the conclusion that the geometry and natural theme, did not mesh well. Instead, I went full force wth the geometric dark theme, while using blue tones to ensure a feeling of security.
What’s Next
Making it better
Data Visualization is an element of the project that I definitely want to improve. When going back on this project, these are the elements I aim on improving.
Data Visualization
Adding UI motion & animation
Creating a live website for this project
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The Problem
Sketching & Wireframes
Inspiration Boards
Style Guide
The Result
Whats Next

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